Thursday 31 May 2012

Happiness is free!

Leaving my house for my morning dog walk today, the first thing I saw was this message on the pavement. We often complain about the things students (who use our road as a thoroughfare) do to our property in the name of fun - dented cars, broken wing mirrors, rude drawings on our windscreens - but I defy anyone to rub this away. It's reminded me that we can all find at least one lovely thing to smile about every day. And it's a bonus if it takes us by complete surprise. The other day, as I was walking through the market place, a busker started playing the best gypsy guitar I've heard in years. We get a lot of buskers - many of them good - but he was exceptional. Watching, though, were two policemen. And, as soon as he started playing, one of them walked over to him. My heart sank - was he going to move him on? No... He just wanted to be the first person to drop some money in the old guy's cap! ;)


Anonymous said...

I might write that on our road just to see what happens. That or GO ON LAUGH

Unknown said...

Let me know what happens!